Five Villages: One Future

People sitting on circular bench eating food at the corner of 3rd Street and Avenue A in downtown Turner's Falls with people milling in the street in the background.

A Comprehensive Plan for Montague

Photo credit: Wright and Ostermier Landscape Architects

Montague is host to

8,500 people
31 square miles of land
13 miles of the Connecticut River
5 villages

How should we be shaping our 1 future?

This website is where you can learn about comprehensive plans, share your thoughts, and stay up to date with Montague’s comprehensive planning process.

Public Engagement

Since the survey opened in June, the Town has been seeking your input to create an overarching vision that will guide the comprehensive plan’s recommendations and priorities.

See survey results in English or en Español (parcial) and additional results (in English).

Our first community workshop was held on Saturday, February 4th, 2023 to build on the survey by brainstorming goals and priorities for Montague.
Community Visioning Workshop presentations video (68 minutes)
Community Visioning Workshop participant booklet

A Goals & priorities workshop was held on Thursday, March 9th, 2023.
Workshop recording (28 minutes)

Comprehensive Planning

A comprehensive plan is a strategic framework that identifies a community’s vision and goals and guides future physical and economic development.

Over the next year, we will be creating this comprehensive vision for Montague’s future through a series of workshops and surveys.

Updating the Montague Comprehensive Plan will involve the entire community in a multi-year visioning and planning initiative focused on preparing Montague for a healthy, strong, and climate-resilient future, while at the same time maintaining its unique character and sense of community.

Review & Comment

Review DRAFT Technical Memos developed to inform the plan.

We want your feedback every step of the way. Use the comment box on the Review & Comment page to submit your feedback on the community’s ideas and our work so far. Summaries of public outreach and draft plan chapters will be linked to the page as they are completed. The Montague Comprehensive Plan team will regularly review and post replies to your comments explaining how your feedback will be incorporated.

As a community, we can imagine multiple potential futures and determine what actions we need to take to create the future we want for ourselves.

A single skateboarder using the skate park at Unity Park in Turners Falls on a sunny day with people watching from multiple sides of the park